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About Myers, Lett, related families of SE Ohio and Remus, MI; Slater side (Katterman, Cotterman, Ralston)
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*** "The history of a nation is best told in the lives of its people, and a people who take no pride in their remote ancestors will never achieve anything noteworthy." ***

Welcome!!! I hope you find some information on our family tree that is helpful to you. This tree is compiled of the work of many people who enjoy sharing their ancestry and learning more about their past and present family. There are hundreds of our cousins who wish to celebrate and embrace their history. They believe in sharing their knowledge and are happy to assist me and others who contact me for help. We have some amazing ancestors and also many amazing cousins in the current generations. I would like to publicly thank those of you who have supported me and helped put this tree together for us all to enjoy. I believe in sharing our history and knowledge without charging for it. For anyone interested in seeing who has helped, please look under the Home tab, then Sources. There are many more, but the list will give you an idea of how many contribute to help us all learn of our heritage.

The tree is only as accurate as the information I've received, so if you see any errors, please  email me and I will gladly fix them. I love meeting 'new' cousins and sharing information. Email me and I'll be glad to help you out in any way I can. I am adding to the tree daily, so check back often. The names of the living are blocked for security reasons. The password option is only to see those names. If you need something pertaining to the current living generation,  please email me. Barb bneson@yahoo.com
No one can claim originality in a fact. A person may discover a fact and document it, but he has not created it. Census takers, for instance, don't create the data that result from their work. They only write down the facts  that they discover. Census data, therefore, can't be copyrighted because it's not original.

Since facts can't be original expression, the copyright of any work doesn't extend to the facts contained within it. This is a very important fundamental concept in genealogy, since genealogy so very much involves the pursuit, discovery, and collection of facts.
Those who are not satisfied with the content of my pages should focus on the development of their own family tree edited to meet their needs.
Provided by Henry Burke, cousin and Historian
This Lett line comes from Maryland and comes from the union of Samuel Delaney Lett and Jemima  Banneker. Their children Migrated through Pennsylvania to southeastern Ohio, Meigs Twp and  thereafter Guernsey, Muskingum, Morgan and Belmont Co. The Lett Settlement consisted of the  Brown, Caliman, Clifford, Earley, Green, Guy, Harper, Lett, Lucas, Pointer, Simpson, Stevens,  and Tate families to name a few. It became known as the "Lett Settlement " due to the fact that  Lett family members outnumbered other families in the settlement. THE HISTORY OF THE Lett FAMILY:
This Lett family history can be traced back to 1683 to the arrival of their ancestor, Molly  Welsh, an English dairymaid, who had been falsely accused of a crime of theft. Due to her  ability to read she was spared a death sentence and was sent to the English province of  Maryland as an indentured servant.
After seven years Molly was freed and eventually purchased her own small farm in Maryland.  While she prospered she knew that she would need more help with her farm and began to save  money. Although Molly was opposed to slavery, her survival left her with few options. Molly  purchased two slaves and after a period of time freed both. She eventually married one of them,  who was named Bannaka, an African prince from the Wolof Kingdom of Walo, located in Senegal. Molly took her husbands name as her surname, which eventually became Banneker. The couple had 4  daughters; the oldest of whom was also named Mary. Mary married a former slave, who had  converted to Christianity and changed his name to Robert and his wife's last name. They had 5  children; 1 son and 4 daughters; Benjamin, Jemima, Julian, Minta and Molly. Benjamin Banneker is noted in United States history as the first African-American 'man of  Science', who among other accomplishments wrote an almanac, assisted in the surveying of  Washington D.C. and made the first clock in America. Benjamin's sister, Jemima married Samuel  Lett who was English and Native American, and of their 8 children, 7 migrated with their  families and settled in Meigs Twp, Muskingum Co, Ohio, which borders on Guernsey Co.  The Lett Settlement was a self-sustaining community of mixed race families; with the Letts,  Calimans and Guys, forming ties with each other through marriages and common family backgrounds  while living in Maryland and Virginia. Additionally it has been documented that the Tate and  Norman families also resided in Maryland and had a long history of interactions with these  families. 
These families were pioneers in Ohio, in the areas of civil rights, education and voting.
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